“The meaning of the dance, is the dance!”
I heard this statement on a video I saw recently as it was doing the rounds of social media. Perhaps you have seen it to? The more I ponder it, the more profound this statement becomes in my thinking. The point of the dance is the dance … and the point of life is the living! It’s not a race, a destination or a goal to be achieved before it has meaning. Our lives have meaning now.
Someone with a personal faith in God may say, the point of life is to live to glorify God. A humanist may say the point of life is to live to benefit humanity. A hedonist may say the point of life is to live for self. But in all cases, the point of life is the living.
Yet as I look around, and as I listen to people, it seems as though so much of our lives are spent either nostalgically looking back or wishfully looking forward. Have we forgotten about today?
When we feel weighed down by the stress or worry or disappointment or grief of our “today” it’s normal to want to be somewhere else. The only problem is we don’t have that choice. We can only ever live moment by moment.
So, if we have to live in the now it makes sense to do all we can to makes our “todays” positive and purposeful. After all, the point of life is the living.
If you would like to talk about any issues that are weighing you down, why not make contact with us now? I invite you to email talk@counsellingservices.net.au to make a confidential appointment.
Have a great “now”!