Although it is true that anger is a normal emotion, it can sometimes be a cause of trouble, especially if one can’t keep it cool. When uncontrolled, it can result in emotional outbursts. Even worse, it can lead to aggression or physical attacks.
To avoid inflicting emotional or physical pain to others because of anger, is best that you learn how to control your anger. Here are some anger management counselling tips that we recommend you take into consideration.
1. Think before you speak.
When at the peak of your emotions, it is easy to say things that you will regret. So, before you even do that, take a few seconds to compose your thoughts before you decide to say something. If possible, let others do the same.
2. Express your anger when you’re already calm.
If you think you’re already thinking clearly and calm, you may start expressing your heartaches and frustrations. However, make sure you do it in a non-confrontational manner. Tell all your needs and concerns directly and clearly. Express it in a way that won’t hurt others. Make it sound like you are not trying to control them.
3. Go out for a walk.
Physical activities can get rid of stress. If you feel that your anger is no longer controllable, go out for a walk or spend time doing fun activities.
4. Do not hold grudges.
Believe it or not, forgiveness is such a powerful tool. If you let all the anger and negative vibes win over you, it is likely that you’d end up consumed by the feeling of injustice and bitterness. If you can just forgive a person who triggered you and made you feel angry, you will learn from the situation and possibly strengthen your bond.
5. Release tension with humour.
One effective way to diffuse tension is to use humour. It can help you face the situation lightly. Just make sure you avoid sarcasm. It might only make the situation worse.
6. Listen to relaxing or calm music.
Let relaxing songs calm your feelings. Put on your headphones, play your favorite songs, hum, or sing your anger away.
7. Learn when to seek help.
Yes, learning how to control anger is tough. However, that does not mean you can’t do anything about it. You can always engage in an anger counselling management session, if you think that your anger is already going out of control.
Anger is a completely normal emotion that we all experience from time to time. But once it leads to aggression, you need to get help and find ways to control it. Hopefully, the tips above can help with your anger management issues.
Should you wish to work through your anger management problems, we suggest that you work with Strength and Counselling Services. Make an appointment now by calling 0423 595 716.